The Story is an abridged, chronological Bible that reads like a novel. There are no verse references, and Scripture segments are seamlessly woven together with transition text into a single grand narrative. For those intimidated or overwhelmed by the unabridged Bible, The Story helps people understand God’s Word more fully and engage with it more easily.
Simple, accessible, and easy to use, churches are finding The Story a powerful way to engage their people in Bible reading like never before. As The Story brings the Bible to life, the broad scope of God’s message will penetrate hearts. People of all ages will be swept up in the story of God’s love and God’s plan for their lives.
What people are saying about the Story
““Incredible things have happened with families learning and living God's Word, friends witnessing, bringing fiends, folks in home groups and special Bible studies. Everyone is excited to have all ages doing the same thing.””
—Steve M

It’s one thing to KNOW the story of the Bible. It’s another thing to LIVE IT.
BELIEVE is a groundbreaking Bible-reading experience that will anchor every member of your family in the core teachings of Scripture – the 10 key beliefs of the Christian faith, 10 key practices of a Jesus-follower, and 10 key virtues of a person who is becoming more like Jesus. Learn with your whole family – and your whole church – how to THINK, ACT, and BE more like Jesus. Know what you believe and why it matters.
THINK - What do I believe?
ACT - What should I do?
BE - Who am I becoming?
What people are saying about BELIEVE
““Our church used Believe for a year throughout our Sunday school program and the adult book was distributed to every family to read in connection with the pastor's sermons. People say their spiritual lives received a boost in terms of knowledge, awareness of God's involvement in their days, and in their prayer lives. It was a very worthwhile endeavRead more about review stating Growth, Unity, and Spiritual Awareness or for the whole church. It gave the congregation a sense of unity and purpose.””
—Larry A

An Eight-Week Journey Through the Story of Jesus, His Church, and His Return
The New Testament Challenge is a simple but revolutionary idea. By reading this Bible, which arranges the books with each of the four gospels at the beginning of a group of related books, you gain insights and make connections between books in a way that is both revealing and fascinating. It strips away centuries of added formatting so you can read and enjoy just the Bible text.
The Study Journal provides a 40-day reading plan and journaling pages to record your questions, responses, and insights as you read through the New Testament.
Learning happens best in community, over time. The real power of this experience takes place as you gather, sharing in a book club-style discussion of what stood out to you, bothered you or puzzled you as you read throughout the week. This church-wide program welcomes everyone no matter how much (or little) of the Bible they have already read.
What people are saying about the New Testament Challenge
“Fun way to learn, reads easily. Enjoyable!”
—Melanie R

Jesus instructed his followers to "abide" in him so they could lead fruitful lives (see John 15:4). The Abide Bible Course will equip you to establish a daily, lifelong habit of abiding in God's Word so you can hear his voice.
In this study, a professor and a pastor—Dr. Phil Collins and Randy Frazee—will walk you through five innovative practices that will take you beyond just reading and help you deeply engage with Scripture in a way that fits your unique personality, learning style and busy schedule. In each session, they explain the practice and walk you through each one—with practical examples—so you can try it out during the upcoming week.
These practices include:
Praying Scripture: pray with the words of Scripture instead of your own
Engage Through Art: looking at works of art to help you see a passage in a new way
Journal: writing out your thoughts and feelings on a passage to give you greater clarity
Picture It: putting yourself into the stories of the Bible to experience them firsthand
Contemplate: deeply reflecting and praying through a passage in God’s Word
What people are saying about the Abide Series
“I'm so excited to go through Abide. I am going through it on my own before I teach it to our small group leaders!”
—Jim A