Title Slides for all 30 weeks
Resource Experience: Believe
BELIEVE student handouts and instructor guide
Sermon manuscripts on all 30 topics are contributed from a variety of denominations, including Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Foursquare, Christian, and Non-Denominational. As we receive contributed sermons, these folders are updated, so check back from time to time for the most current collection!
Sermons-Week-00-INTRODUCTION Sermons-Week-11-WORSHIP Sermons-Week-22-JOY
Sermons-Week-01-GOD Sermons-Week-12-PRAYER Sermons-Week-23-PEACE
Sermons-Week-02-PERSONAL-GOD Sermons-Week-13-BIBLE-STUDY Sermons-Week-24-SELF-CONTROL
Sermons-Week-03-SALVATION Sermons-Week-14-SINGLE-MINDEDNESS Sermons-Week-25-HOPE
Sermons-Week-04-THE-BIBLE Sermons-Week-15-TOTAL-SURRENDER Sermons-Week-26-PATIENCE
Sermons-Week-06-CHURCH Sermons-Week-17-SPIRITUAL-GIFTS Sermons-Week-28-FAITHFULNESS
Sermons-Week-07-HUMANITY Sermons-Week-18-OFFERING-MY-TIME Sermons-Week-29-GENTLENESS
Sermons-Week-08-COMPASSION Sermons-Week-19-GIVING-MY-RESOURCES Sermons-Week-30-HUMILITY
Sermons-Week-09-STEWARDSHIP Sermons-Week-20-SHARING-MY-FAITH Sermons-Week-31-
Randy Frazee met monthly with the 30 Beta Church pastors to share preaching ideas for BELIEVE. The transcripts of their conversations offer a rich collection of ideas and insights from a variety of perspectives on how to build the 30 BELIEVE sermons, as well as how to lead the overall BELIEVE experience.
Weekly Resources – Memes
Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-01 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-11 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-21
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Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-03 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-13 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-23
Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-04 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-14 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-24
Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-05 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-15 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-25
Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-06 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-16 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-26
Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-07 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-17 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-27
Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-08 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-18 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-28
Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-09 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-19 Believe-24×36-Posters-wk-29
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WEEKLY RESOURCES – Bulletin Covers
The .jpg versions of the bulletin covers are available here. To find the .pdf versions, refer to your Church Resource DVD.
WEEKLY RESOURCES – Background Slides
Using the imagery of 30 BELIEVE icons, we have developed PowerPoints, weekly bulletin covers, printable posters and even memes for use in the branding of the weekend services and your web communications.
PPT Title Slides
Communication Ideas from Churches – Wall of Truth
If you want to know more about the idea of people signing a “Wall of Truth” as shown in the promo video called Believe is Invitational, then here is some information about how they did it!